Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Advanced Web Animation

My section of the final for Advanced Web Animation. Is part of a compilation with the other students in the class.

There were originally only three students in the class, but four others sat in and finished other parts. Both myself and Joe Clark (the fellow who animated the Hatter) were only visitors to the class. Great class and a great end to a challenging quarter.

Life Drawing Club

Recently changed to a digital medium at the Life Drawing Club, and created this for next quarter's flyer.

Some gestures I did earlier this month off of most are 90 seconds. The model didn't show, so I projected the website as I drew beside it. Pretty fun experience.

Animation Studio

Final for Animation Studio; my first team project.

Ended up becoming the Director after some early quarter group problems. Mainly responsible for the Nurse scene including finding and recording the actresses. I was also handed the crossover walking scenes within the last two weeks. Bit of a challanging project, but I learned a lot about myself and about working with others.

Web Animation - Pirate Girl

My Web Animation final.

Some Character art from it:

Motion Graphics - Wheels Project

Created this as my 2nd assignment in After-Effect. The assignment was to create a moving vehicle by animating the wheels spinning and moving it along the screen. I decided to add much more to the project and used the same techniques to animate a simple fight scene. It's still funny to me.

Advanced Drawing for Animation

A class primarily on composition. My mid-terms and final for the class.

The final. Was assigned to cover one of the deadly sins. Went with wrath and created a scene illustrating the culmination of it. The spiraling composition represent the repeation of vengance war propagates.

The mid-term assignment was that of taking a myth and illustrating it using the compositional tools learned in class. When with Hurcule's battle against the hydra. Wanted to give a twisting confusing feel that I'm sure he felt fighting a multi-headed beast.

Background Design and Layout

The story is about a boy that is making something in the backyard that most thought never would take off. Tried to capture the "moment of" as the rocket is starting up.

Wizard of Oz - Character Redesigns

Same Class as the Super Hero's, but needed to redesign three characters from Wizard of Oz.

Super Heros from Digital Ink and Paint

The assignment was three super hero characters, and I went with a steam-punk feel.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Animated Gif

A Pic done by my friend Sonda. I took it in Flash and redrew a few parts and animated it. Nothing special, though.